Inclusion Housing

Commissioning partners

When you have the responsibility for placing some of the most vulnerable adults from your local community into specialist supported living accommodation, we’re here to help.

Since we launched in 2007, we’ve developed first class relationships with Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) – as well as independent specialist providers of care support.

Value for money is essential for our commissioning partners and we’re dedicated to communicating the fact that specialist supported housing offers significant savings to alternative methods of taking care of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

It’s in everyone’s interest to keep producing value for money and ensure that Local Care Budgets are managed effectively.

We’re helping to bring the solution to a complex problem faced by commissioners of adult, health and social care at local authorities.

We work with many LA’s and CCG’s to help reduce their care costs and create improvements in care for vulnerable people. Our work with our commissioning partners delivers amazing outcomes for people and huge efficiencies in Local Care Budgets.


HOMESin is a unique portal for Local Authority Commissioners to view, in real time, existing supported living vacancies in their area, obtain vacancy information and in turn speed up the placement process.

If you are not already registered with HOMESin please get in touch with them at or visit their website for more information.

  • “We love working with commissioners who demand better outcomes.”

    Neil Brown, CEO, Inclusion Housing

  • “We’re proving value for money to local authorities and Clinical Commissioning Group’s by enabling them to make their Local Care Budgets go further – and make more of an impact in society - than they ordinarily would.”

    Sarah Waters, Business Director, Inclusion Housing

  • “We’re proud of our first class relationships with commissioners across the country. We work in partnership to continue driving effectiveness and efficiency in an environment which is becoming ever more challenging for them to add value.”

    Sue Milnes, Finance Director, Inclusion Housing

Delivering value for money for commissioners by reducing the impact on local care budgets across the country